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Just bought up a vintage speaker? Or thinking about it? Great! You are the person who needs to read this article right now.
Before making the final purchase of the vintage speaker, there is an important issue to match your room and the speaker with each other. What I mean is, to make a perfect ‘audio chain’ between the speaker and listener, a perfect environment is important.
And in case you have the wrong place for the speaker, almost all of your investments after it will go in vain. And this particular post is crafted all around this topic.
Find 6 exclusive tips for preparing a room for a vintage speaker right away-
6 Tips to Setup the Room Environment for A Vintage Speaker
To prepare your room for a best quality audio experience from a vintage speaker, a number of facts are needed to bring under attention. Starting from positioning, there are acoustic properties, room size, speaker size and so on.
No matter it’s an old age vintage speaker or a hi-tech modern speaker, these few preparations work for almost every case.
Here is the list of 6 facts of the room environment that you need to take care of-
1. The ‘38%’ Rule
There is a good calculation of the length of the speaker that eventually induces a great audio experience. Measure the length of the room and put a mark on 38% of its length from the wall. Now, this is the best place to put a vintage speaker and enjoy it’s music to the fullest.
2. Play The Sound Across the Length of the Room
From a good sound experience from a vintage speaker, it’s important that you let the sound waves from it propagate properly. What I mean is, if the room is off that way where the speaker can be placed across the length, then it’s all good. Don’t try to put anything large in between the length, and let the sound get all over the room.
3. Avoid Glass Reflections of Sound Waves
Reflections make the sound way more different from the original one. So, it’s best to keep as less amount of reflectors as possible in the room. Many of us have glass walls or windows in the room. Try to cover them up with drapes.
4. Put An Area Rug on Vinyl or Wood Floors
You may have the floor of the room made of wood or vinyl. That’s good to look at, but not more if you want a good audio experience. As you know that these are likely to reflect sounds, it’s best to put an area rug over them.
5. Avoid Anything That Causes Defused Reflections
In a full form living room, there can be many items and furniture that can induce defused reflections of sound waves. And that obviously not going to be a good experience for you as a listener. So, try to keep items like bookshelves away from the way of the sound. You may try putting it across the perpendicular direction of the sound propagation.
The Position of the Listener
In the discussion of the room environment, the position of the listeners is also important, because that matters a lot when you’re enjoying some music.
Usually, it’s a proven truth that if the speaker and the user are in an equilateral triangle position, the sound quality comes to be the best.
In fact, if you have a woofer with the vintage speaker, you can try positioning the speaker, the woofer and yourself as the three corners of the equilateral triangle.
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